Learn more about psychiatry in addition to how to optimize one's mental health and well-being in our blog!
Mental health is a vital aspect of overall health and well-being. Depression among teenagers is a problem affecting young people around the country. It leads to reduced interest in activities and persistent sadness.
It can be difficult to go about your daily activities if you have a mood disorder. You may experience intense emotions for a short or long-lasting period. Psychiatrists are aware of the challenges you are facing, and are there to assist you. Seeing a psychiatrist can help improve your mental health and overall well-being. Read the following to learn how your doctor can help you with your condition.
Anxiety is your brain’s natural reaction to stress and potential danger. Anxiety disorders are a collection of mental conditions that make you constantly fearful and excessively anxious. The feelings may make you avoid social situations. These include school, family gatherings, and work.
Everyone experiences worry or fear occasionally. Yet, recurring, overwhelming dread can impact your life. When this happens, talking to a trained therapist or board-certified psychiatrist can help you manage these feelings and learn healthy ways to cope.
Research shows that one out of five Americans experience mental health issues yearly. Millions of Americans also live with severe mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and severe depression. These conditions require proper management through effective therapy, medication, or both.
Licensed psychologists and counselors receive comprehensive training in school, which allow them to handle a wide range of issues that may affect a child. The problems they deal with can range from short unexpected phases to behaviors triggered by events like trauma. Therapists help their patients make sense of their place in the world and issues that arise. Their job is to strengthen your child by helping them deal with their problems in a healthy manner.
People seek therapy for different reasons. You may have a situation causing you anxiety in your present life, or you may need to recover from some traumas from your past. Others need it to remain sane or save their relationships. Regardless of your reasons, it is essential that you know what to expect during your first session.
Your first appointment with a psychiatrist can be intimidating. It is a step towards seeking help for yourself and confronting the unknown. You may feel out of control, scared, and nervous. However, you do not need to worry. Knowing what to expect can help reduce your anxiety. Here is a list of what to expect during your first appointment with our psychiatrists, located in Scottsdale, AZ.
It’s been a long haul this past year and half and we’ve all missed out on family gatherings, as well as those services that keep us looking and feeling our best. As the holidays approach, why not take advantage of our newfound freedom and give yourself the gift of great...
You’re physically fit, injury-free, and you should be at the top of your game. Yet, something stands in the way and the odds are good that it’s your head. There’s a good reason why so many athletes refer to, “being in their head too much,” because your brain can throw...
Everyone experiences anxiety occasionally, and it’s perfectly natural. However, if anxiety begins to haunt you all the time or affect your ability to function, medical intervention may be in order. To help you determine whether your anxiety may warrant our help, Brook Choulet, MD, and our extensive team of mental...
The first 18 years of your child’s life is characterized by dramatic development — physically, mentally, and emotionally — and it’s all you can do to keep up with the constant changes. While checking off physical milestones is important, it’s also imperative to track their mental and emotional health, so...
You have a health care concern and call your doctor, only to be told that they can squeeze you into a 15-minute slot in two weeks. The frustration that comes with getting the mental health care you need, when you need it, can be exhausting, which is why we emphasize...
When you see a psychiatrist for the first time you may feel stressed, anxious, and nervous because you don’t know what to expect. The decision to see a psychiatrist is a valuable step in caring for your mental health and wellbeing. Here at Choulet Wellness, mental health specialist Brook Choulet,...
Americans are no strangers to anxiety. In fact, nearly 30% of adults in the United States are affected by an anxiety disorder at some point during their lives. While most everyone gets anxious from time to time, a true anxiety disorder can be much more serious and longer-lasting. Making matters more complicated, anxiety disorders can present themselves in a number of ways.