Interpersonal therapy is a form of psychotherapy that lasts between 12 and 16 sessions, meaning that it is short-term. Psychologists and counselors use the treatment to treat conditions like depression and others. The therapy focuses on your essential social interactions and relationships. It explores the impact of these on your life and the support you have.
During the 1970s, depression was considered more personal than a socially impacted condition. IPT was the first treatment that posited the idea that mental health was affected by a person's relationships and environment. The theory has grown to include several variations in the treatment.
Dynamic IPT
The main aim of Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy is to help you better understand your feelings and thoughts and those of others. Because of this, it is sometimes called mentalization-based therapy or psychodynamic interpersonal therapy. It comprises 16 sessions over five months.
Metacognitive IPT
This type of IPT deals with personality disorders that involve avoidance of or holding back emotions. Research proves that MIT reduces symptoms of depression and improves understanding of emotions.
IPT uses a relationship-based approach to treating depression and some other mental conditions. Because of this, the therapist will usually start by taking an inventory of your interpersonal life. It is a comprehensive analysis of your past and present relationships. After the inventory, the therapist then groups them into four main areas:
A common cause of depression is the loss of a loved one, especially when it involves unresolved grief. Stages of grief are normal after losing someone you love. But if the loss was significant, you could be dealing with unresolved grief. Unresolved grief is often considered delayed and distorted. This is because it causes different issues than normal grief. It may cause you to be numb to emotions or result in other symptoms like fatigue and insomnia.
Role Dispute
These occur when there is no clear distinction of roles in your relationships with significant people. It causes a disconnect between real life and expectations, often leading to feelings of depression.
Role Transition
Changes like getting married or becoming a parent will always happen. But the transition may be overwhelming. The inability to cope may lead to depressive feelings.
Interpersonal Deficits
Sometimes, depression may occur because you lack meaningful relationships or cannot maintain them. IPT will help you identify interpersonal deficits that may stop you in such cases.
If you are interested in interpersonal therapy, visit Choulet Wellness at our office in Scottsdale, Arizona. Call (480) 448-6571 to schedule an appointment today.